Week one thus far

Incheon Airport, Korea

Hello everyone! Sorry for the delay, its been a hectic couple days since I’ve arrived in Seoul and in finally getting a chance to write about everything while getting bitten by mosquitoes in the dorm room lobby. The time is 5:45am here.

When I landed, I was shacked up with another new Epik teacher in a very… cozy (and cute) guesthouse. I couldn’t tell you if it was made for couples or if it was just lovey by accident of chosen english. Very romantic haha
love is tender

I think I haven’t experienced culture shock yet, but I’ve definitely experienced the novelty of things. I find that everything I run into in Korea in terms of objects and procedures  are either practical or cute. An example of cute would be the highly stylized coffee products of Paris Baguette

dapper coffee sticksa very french coffee cup

And who could forget the no-smokemon?!

maybe he is a water type?

But the but the practical side of things can take you by surprise too. I don’t have pictures of it, but my medical exam was very surprising to me. The machinery for testing everything was so fast and advanced it left me in wonder. It reduced my 45 minute doctor visits in the US to a 10 minute (maybe 7) proceedure.

An example I do have pictures of is the way in which you would escape from a high story building in an emergency.


Anyway, there is a lot more to be said, but im still stuck on my cell phone trying to post online. Its also super early and there is still so much more to write about. Being with EPIK at this orientation is very beautiful. I’ve been able to meet people from all across the world who have come here to teach English and it’s a true cultural melting pot. The fact we all get along and are very interested in one another makes it really great here. It’s not something I’m used to in the US. I want to write more about it but I’ve got a long day ahead of me.

Until next time, take care! The podcast might be delayed a bit because of my current circumstances but I promise it will be up soon!

Week one thus far

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