Cambodia and Korean February

I’ve got to say, the only thing as soul-sucking as February in Korea is February in the US. At least back in Boston I had good company to help keep me sane but I’ve yet to be here long enough to make close friends who live in the same area as me. Went through a mutual break-up, and got so sick that I spent my Chinese New Year dying in my home. Experienced an allergic reaction to the antibiotics I was taking so my body broke out in hives that lasted 2 weeks, and the fluctuation of my body temperature gave me ring worm. Yep; I spent most of February either being too sick to do anything or looking too sick to meet anybody new. On the bright side, I got to eat delicious homemade Thai food for a week before I became sick and single. Being absolutely alone and dying in my apartment gave me a few insights on life though. It’s kind of nice being single so that I can save my cash a bit and get myself outside more. I also realized that Korea is way to tiny and industrialized to traditionally satisfy the kind of wanderlust I’ve been suffering through.

Going to Cambodia in January made me feel alive, loved, and at home again. Seriously something about Cambodia just fills me with life and passion; a feeling I can accomplish something! I meet amazing and awe inspiring people there daily and it’s the one place I ever felt like I fit in. So going back to Korea made me feel homesick again and all the dying which accompanied my return didn’t help. I’ve considered using my pension to buy a Chinese fishing boat and sail it to Thailand. Also considered signing up for the Peace Corps for Cambodia (still may do just that in the not too distant future though!). I need to get myself on the road and see new things, the monotony out here in the sticks is two fold when it is too cold to do anything, and the cafe I would go to to unwind has been for almost two months as the owners are on vacation. Unfortunately all those things I want to do cost too much money and aren’t in my realm of possibility yet. I think with the warm weather coming up I’m gonna invest in an older model tour bike I can fix up. I think being able to bike around the country is going to help me meet other travelers, see new places, and satisfy my need for the road without having to get a license and make car payments. There are tons and tons of bike paths here too. Hiking is a popular sport here too. It’s time this old Ben gets himself out there lest I lose my mind.

That being said, I’ve had absolutely no motivation to write or do my podcast lately. I’m feeling better so the motivation is returning… but don’t worry! There was literally nothing happening this month to talk about. This was a sign that I needed to do something new with my life here. Because of this, I’m gonna take some time to talk about my Cambodia trip since I promised to do it over a month ago!

Cambodia and Korean February

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