Teaching in Korea Episode 1: Boston

Cover Photo of my Podcast!

This is the first episode of Teaching in Korea, my podcast documenting my life starting in Boston, then chronicling my adventures teaching in South Korea. This episode is the first ever podcast-like recording I’ve ever made (and it sounds a little amateur compared to some of my other podcast projects now that I’ve got better equipment and some experience). I recorded it around September 20th when I was rushing around to get my visa and my document together for a September 28th flight. Unfortunately this attempt didn’t go through and I wound up waiting until this week (October 5th) to get my visa and soon my plane ticket. Thankfully it seems that I’ll be departing around October 18th or so.


This podcast’s main focus is on me trying to get my life together for a speedy departure. I talk about the infinite stack of papers being sent to-and-fro, I cover a bit about budgeting, and I share a brief experience of what is required to be an English teacher in Korea. It’s a commentary on the process that will include more highlights with the October 25th Episode where I discuss more about the teaching certificates available; namely the CELTA.

Teaching in Korea Episode 1: Boston